Friday, January 12, 2007

How Can This Year Be Different for Me? Hebrew 11:1

By Having Faith to See New Possibilities
Hebrews 11:8-13

1. Understanding Faith

Faith-- the spiritual ability to see a real place others do not know exists
Heb 11:8-- "to a place..."

Faith-- the spiritual ability to see real things others cannot see
2 Kings 6:13 -- "servant saw the host of angels..."
Acts 7:55-- Stephen "looked up into heaven, and saw Jesus ..."

Faith-- the spiritual ability to believe a real promise before seeing them Hebrews 11: saw a city afar off..."

2. Increasing Faith
The disciples asked Jesus to "increase our faith..." We need to ask the Lord to help us do the same. How can you increase your faith?

Aim your faith at the right Object
Acts 20:21-- "faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ..."

Fan your faith with the right Fuel
Romans 10:17-- "faith comes by hearing the Word of God..."

Strengthen your faith with the right Company
Hebrews 3:12-13--"take care brothers, that none of you has an unbelieving heart that truns away from the living God. But encourage one another... so you may not be hardened by sin's deceitfulness..."

1 Cor. 15:33-- "bad company corrupts good morals."

Prove your faith with the right Actions
James 1:26--" faith without works is dead..."

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Reclaim your Life this Year-- 3 Simple Questions to ask yourself

Do I have a plan?
You will need a definite, (written is best) plan of the things you are wanting to accomplish this year. Ask yourself these questions-- What are the...

character qualities I want to develop; physical activities I will do and physical goals I will accomplish; spiritual growth I will gain; emotional and mental development I will pursue; family relationships I will strengthen and improve; financial areas I will address. (I have a simple booklet I've developed with these areas listed-- if you'll e-mail me requesting one, I'll send it to you.)

Do I have the means?
What resources do you need to do this-- membership at a gym or Weight Watchers? What help do I need spiritually to get where I should be? What books do I need to read, or what classes do I want to take to better myself mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and where do I find them? Am I willing to take the bull by the horns, and be determined enough to do this without anybody's prodding or begging?

Am I willing to ask for help?
Your seriousness is seen in your willingness to do whatever you need to do to accomplish these things; your success will be seen in your finding someone to help encourage you and someone to check up on your progress. If you could do this alone, you already would have. Don't be afraid of accountability. Accountability just means you find someone you trust and give them the right as a concerned friend to question you on the areas you're working to improve.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Thinking about a New Year

Avoiding a Wasted Life

No one arrives at the end of year (or at the end of a life for that matter) having purposely wasted opportunities or intentionally missed out on fulfilling adventures. But somehow, it seems we can arrive at the end of a year like this, and realize there were many squandered opportunities. We feel with the character in the popular movie based on Alexander Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo, when he said, "I could have handeled that differently..."

Looking at all the untouched hours of this new year before you, at all the unlived hours you face, you can make a fresh determination to live them to their fullest, to count for God in order to avoid a wasted year in 2007.

There are 8560 hours in one year. How can you arrive at this time next year, 8560 hours from now, having invested, rather than frittered away the precious hours and opportunities God gave you? If you want to avoid wasting the year, here are some suggestions that will help you:

You will have to...

1. Challenge the Natural Flow of Life toward Complacency. The river of life is on a continual, non-stop journey to a destination we cannot see. We can be like all the trash, dead fish, and filth that is flowing along to the end, or we can take the oars of opportunity and begin to move against our natural inclinations of complacency, procrastination, inactivity, and apathy. Good intentions and no activity will get you a year down the river, with many regrets and lost opporutnities.

2. Resist the Continual Pressure of the World to Conformity. There is a constant and intense pressure from the world around us to give in to a much lower standard of holiness. Paul encouraged us to avoid being "conformed to this world..." (Rom. 12:1). The world is ever like the tempting voice of Delilah was to Samson (Judges 16) who "pressed him daily" in order to bring him down. The voices we hear from friends, media, work place, internet etc. are ever pressing us with viewpoints, philosphies, and ideas that will weaken our testimony and ultimately bring us down spiritually if we buy into them.

3. Oppose the Powerful Attraction of the Flesh to Compromise. Our carnal nature, our old man, who we are without/apart from Christ is ever on the prowl, seeking gratification. It is not annihalated when we receive Christ. We are given a new nature, a new man, that can overcome this old nature, but the old nature is still there, ever ready to be tempted, every clamoring for attention and gratification. The progression seen in Psalm 1 reveals the slow route the flesh takes to eventually get us-- a person goes from walking with the Lord but being tempted and looking at thinking about, and discussing with himself the possibility, desire, and pleasure of that temptation. The next step is stopping, standing, as Eve before the tree about to pluck the fruit, admiring the object of temptation, gazing, being hypnotized by it's beauty and seductiveness. Then we find ourselves getting comfortable, sitting, actually participating in the sin. Like Lot, who was sitting with the elders of the city of Sodom, we are actually involved with and comfortable in our position of sin. Often, the greatest temptation we face will not be to some horrendous sin, but to some seeming insignificant compromise.

4. Combat the Insidious Ability of Sin to Conquer. Sin enslaves. Jesus said "he who continues to commit a sin is a slave to sin..." Sin is ever progressive in its depravity, in its ability to destroy, and in its power to conquer. Sin progresses from being subtle temptor to merciless captor. With each urge gratified, with each temptation succumbed to, another brick is laid on the prison cell that will enslave you.

As you face these 4 challenges, and win, you will have a spirtual, fruitful, year for Him. That is my prayer for you. God bless your 2007