Friday, February 9, 2007

Another Secret to Having a Better Year in 2007

Endurance to face trying tasks of life

what is endurance? Wes sincerely wanted to change. His drug habit had caused him to lose his family, friends, all he had financially, and of self-respect. He had tics and all sorts of other physical problems because of his years of heavy drug abuse and life-style. His mind had been affected as well. He agonized over his past abuse and its consequences as we talked, saying, “I see others seem to be making it, and I read the bible of those that made it. I want to make it, for myself and for my loved ones and my kids.. why can I not?” Let’s answer his question --

Why do I have a problem with endurance? Why is it that even with good intentions, I can’t hang in there with the Lord? There are 5 things that act as kryptonite to superman—making our resolve weak and clipping our wings as we want to take flight with endurance.

a. So many options around me. there are so many options of “things” out there in the world to distract my attention, divert my energy, diffuse my passion, drain my talents. Our brain contains a little mechanism called the reticular activator, that filters out much stimuli around us and keeps us from being immobilized by the overwhelming amount of input into our brain. The enticement, allure, the “glitter” of possibilities—like the “far country” that beckoned to the prodigal son and finally won out in his mind.

b. empty promises and failed efforts—I’ve tried before, I’ve made promises to myself and others I was going to lick this thing, or do better, or overcome, get help; to sopt the poor choices, to break with wrong friends, end this cycle of failure in my life—a close call, a scary incident and I get straight for awhile—but it hasn’t lasted. Habits, relationships, etc slowly come back to roost, and I can’t seem to shoo them away.

c. Disappointment of others—someone has offended you, fallen spiritually, or you’ve known the masquerade that was going on in their life; after doing something to you or treating you in a certain way—they’ve been clueless… you’ve been left to pick up the pieces and they lay their head on their pillow at night thinking all is well in the world.

d. Weariness from extended exertion of emotional, physical, or spiritual energy

Pain (agwnizomai), labor (to the point of exhaustion) adversity, and routine all wear on you to the point of fatique, and weariness, and weaken your ability to do what you know you should, even to call out to the Lord, to maintain disciplines in your life, and you see yourself washing out and it seems you don’t have the energy to do anything about it, or you’re too depressed to do anything about it. was afraid, and arose and ran for his life…”

e. Not actually in the race
Some are like those that dream they are running—breathing speeds up, arms may swing, legs begin to bicycle like they are running, but won’t last long before you wake up and realize it was in your mind.
In real race,

Matt 24:13—“they that endure to the end shall be saved…”
1 John 2:19—“they went from us because they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us..”

Second Secret to a Better Year in 2007

The Second Secret to having a Better New Year is
A Willingness to Pursue New Experiences

the key word is "willing"
The parents had prepared their son as best they could for his first days of school. They knew it would be difficult for him to be attentive from 8-noon. He was rambunctious, and difficult to control. One day they got a call from the prinicpal, who said-- "it seems we are having a problem with our Will today..."

Many can relate to that spiritually-- we are having a problem with our will.

1. Here are some signs of a “will” problem found in Matt. 21:28; Luke 9:58, 61.
4 people are pictured that help us to see a "will" problem:

Exhibit A-- this son said "I will", but did not. His "yes" became a "no" . Well-intentioned perhaps, but gets diverted, preoccupied with other things, but ultimately does not follow through.

Exhibit B-- this son said "I will not", but he did. His "no" became a "yes". He inititally resisted, but his heart is touched as he realizes his response to the father, and ultimately obeys.

Exhibit C-- this person said "I will, but...". His yes became a maybe, as he lists his priorities, and what he will do first. He wants to negotiate with God, or sees other things as more important in his list of priorities

Exhibit D – seems to want to follow Jesus, until He mentions the cost, and in affect, this person said “I will, if...” that is, if I can stay in my comfort zone, if there are no problems or persecutions or difficulties..." Jesus said there would be no place to lay his head, and this would be disciple disappears from the scene.

The difference between your words and your actions is found in your will. A "bottleneck" in the will, causes a slowdown or stop in the obedience to God. Must therefore deal with and overcome the "will" problem.

2. Steps To Overcome "Will” Problem

A. Recognize God has an over-all, divine, and perfect will

B. Discover That His Will Involves you.

C. Respond Correctly to His Will

1. Begins with a Choice

You Must Understand One Secret :

When His will differs from our will, there is only one correct response: SURRENDER

2. Succeeds with His Support

Phil 2:13-- "it is God who is operating in you, bot to will and to accomplish the work he has for you to do..."l 2