Friday, August 3, 2007

The Ways of God in Unanswered Prayer

This is 3rd in a series of understanding the ways of God. We will look at some of the Biblical reasons God does not answer the cries of His children.

Biblical reasons for unanswered prayer (a checklist)

__ Unresolved Conflict
Matt. 5:23, 24
If you bring your present your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar, and go your way; First, be reconciled to your brother; and then come and present your offering.

__ Rejection of God’s Word
Prov. 28:9
He who turns away his ear from listening to the law, even his prayer is an abomination.

__ Unconfessed Sin
Psalm 66:18
If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear

__ Not asking /asking for wrong motive
James 4:2-3
You have not because you ask not.. you ask and receive not because you ask with the wrong motives, so that you may spend in on your pleasures

__ Demonic Obstruction
Daniel 10:12-13
Your words were heard before God… but the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for twenty one days

__ Double-mindedness
James 1:7-8
Let not that man expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man.

__ Mistreating your wife
1 Peter 3:7
you husbands likewise, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with a weaker vessel, since she is a woman; and grant her honor as a fellow-heir of the grace of life,. so that your prayers may not be hindered

When you can’t go on

this is a basic outline I preached recently. I'll try to fill it in more as I get time.

Psalm 73

Have you ever been to a point you didn’t think you could go on?
Things were so bad, it seemed a struggle at every turn, a difficulty every day?

I remember growing up hearing people say about their difficulties “It’s enough to make you lose your religion…”.

In this Psalm, we find someone who was at his ropes end, about to “lose his religion”

Asaph was relaying his journey of unhappiness, misery, and despair, and honestly assesses his tale by saying in verse 2—I was almost done, I was just about done…

Have you ever been there?

I. What are some common symptoms of being at this place?

a faith that is theoretical or shallow—have you ever been into the classroom of a children’s ss class or children’s church. There are those smart ones that always want to answer the questions—and because they are in church, they know what the answer is to all the questions-- Who was the man that built the ark--- Jesus! Every answer is Jesus… likewise there are those who have a shallow maturity—saying—just pray about it, just ask jesus, just …. Oversimplifying the solution… all you need to do is…
theirs is a theoretical walk, never had to be in the furnace, out on a limb to this degree—their answers are shallow and they portray more of a head knowledge and walk rather than experiential one

a focus on the material

a feeling of despair and regret

a fog of confusion-- he was confused about what was a blessing from God and what was not. He laments the chastisement of God in his life. But the Bible tells us that God's love brings his chastisement. That is the way of despair-- blessings seem as curses; good things seem as bad. Can't see the loving hand of God in our lives...

II. What are some helpful solutions when we find ourselves in this place?

honesty ‘ as for me…’ here was my situation, and it wasn’t pretty, I’m not proud of it, but this the truth of it…

pondering -- “…I pondered to understand this….” v. 16
many think that faith is the antithesis of thought. You simply take it and never question it, never pursue reasons, never really think for yourself, it is handed down to you and like al robot, you accept it as truth. Ponder, think, meditate, comtemplate, search, seek.. you will not be disappointed.

presence – “until I came into the sanctuary of God…” v. 17, 25-26;28

perspective—“my heart was embittered…I was senseless and ignorant…like a beast…” v. 21-22