Monday, December 4, 2006

Where has my Joy Gone?

This is a series I began preaching recently that has stirred some interest in this topic:

Our joy is loseable-- that is why David prayed in Psalm 51:12, "restore unto me the joy of they salvation". Something had happened in his life to cause him to lose what he had once enjoyed.

How do we lose that joy that was once so vibrant and burning in our hearts?
Here are 8 common reasons:

1. The Normal Routine of Life-- sometimes the "daily-ness" of life gets me, the rut wins, the habits of life are so strong it is difficult to break them and start with new habits and routines. Sometimes life has me too pooped to focus; too preoccupied with other things to really go on with God. It takes an intentional effort to break to power of routine, much like a space-ship breaking away from earth's gravity into the freedom of space.

2. Necessary Responsibilites -- the dishes have to be washed, the clothes folded, the kids have homework and get hungry. It seems the responsibilities never end, and ever demand more of our time. How can I have a quiet time when it looks like I may have to take a second job just to make ends meet? I've got responsibilities. Mark 4:19 reveals that the "cares of this world can enter in, and choke out" those more important things. There is a difference between urgent and important, and sometimes the urgent takes priority. It shouldn't.

3. Negative Influences of Life-- The negative influence of friends, the defilement of a world that is ungodly and anti-god takes a toll on a believer's joy. You know how it happens-- the deadness, glibness, the innuendo, the unending barrage of negative, dirty language; how can my joy last in that situation? "Bad company corrupts good morals" Paul said (1 Cor. 15:33)

4. Non-surrendered areas of Life -- If there is secret sin in your life, it will allow satan to have a foothold in you and rob you of the joy of the Lord. 2 Cor. 2:11 encourages us not to let satan get advantage of us. David spoke in Ps. 90:8 of secret sin. If you harbor areas unsurrendered to your Lord, you'll lack His joy. Baptism, certain habits, living arrangements, sexual relationships, all are common struggles of surrender. The believers of Acts 19:4 had no idea they needed to be baptized, but immediately surrendered to that truth when confronted by it. They got their obedience up to date. Many lack joy, because their's is not.

5. Non-resolved issues of Life-- "Baggage" still being carried from past issues, past relationships, past hurts, etc. can have very real present results. Many, for example, run from one marriage to another, blaming the other partner, only to face the same set of problems in the next marriage. They change partners rather than deal with their own baggage. Emotional baggage from your past has serious present day consequences on your spiritual life. We are created as one being, and all of our being, body, soul, and spirit, must be one. We can't separate our "church life" who we are, though many try.

6. Neglect of spiritual disciplines -- Joy comes from a believer practicing the spiritual disciplines. By defininition, a discipline is something it takes work to develop. It doesn't just happen, nor is it done for you. Like a person who gives up after taking a few months of guitar lessons because it doesn't happen fast enough, many miss the joy's of walking with Christ because they do not stay at it-- praying, in the Word, worshiping, fellowshiping with God's people. Jesus, when inviting disciples to come after Him, didn't paint an easy path--'if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me." Luke 9:23

7. Deliberate Sin-- Think what Adam and Eve enjoyed with God, a perfect life in a perfect place that none had ever experienced before, walking with Him in the cool of the day... . But when they deliberately disobeyed God, the joy was immediately turned to shame and guilt, and they went and hid themselvs in humiliation and fear. Sin always creates a barriar between us and God, a hindrance to our fellowship, and loss of joy. David's loss of joy was a result of his sin with Bathsheba. "your sins have separated you and God..." Isaiah 59:2

8. Superficial faith-- when a person has enough faith to cry, but not enough to come clean; enough faith to get excited, but not to obey; enough faith to receive God's blessings, but not enough to endure His testing; enough faith to stand and sing, but not enough to hold on in suffering and pain; enough faith to smile and laugh, but not enough to sacrifice or serve. Jesus said there are those like that, who were touched in their emotions, but not in their very spirit. Mark 4:16-17 records His observation of different types of hearts, and He says there are those who "hear the word, and immediatelly receive it with joy, but having no root in themselves, tey endure but for a time. "

"The joy of the Lord is our strength." May He show you any cause that has robbed you of His joy, and help you, with David in Psalm 51, get your joy back.

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