Friday, July 13, 2007

Am I supposed to serve the Lord?

Have you ever been preoccupied with reading or watching tv while someone was talking to you? You hear them, but not paying attention thinking they are talking to someone else...? Then they get your attention by yelling your name, and you say "Oh, are you talking to me?"

We can be like that also with God.... As He speaks sometimes we are preoccuppied or our ears are plugged up and we are not hearing Him. That is certainly true in the area of serving God.

So here is a question for you--

Are you and I Supposed to Serve the Lord?
2 Cor. 4:1

We are tempted not to get into the fray, not to join the work, not to involve ourself in kingdom's work if we...

1. Misunderstand Individual "Call"

Many envision a dramatic burning bush experience like Moses had; a bright light strike down on the road like Paul had on the road to Damascus. We imagine that since we have never had such a divine or supernatural experience like that, God must not calling us.

But we misunderstand the concept of Call if we think so. We think preachers are called, missionaries are called, but "regular people" just go about their lives the best they can, giving God the time and energy and resources they can.... But the Bible helps clarify that misunderstanding, clearly letting us know we are all called by God...

"we have this ministry, as we received mercy..." verse 1

"God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord..." 1 Cor 1:9
"among whom you also are the called of Jesus Christ..." Rom 1:6
"all things work together for good...for those who are called according to His purpose..." Rom. 8:28

Much more often in the Bible, (92 times to be exact) we find this expression-- "and the word of the Lord came to" a certain person. God speaks and lets us know what His desire if for us. And that is our calling, our invitation. He invites us to salvation, He invites us to grow in Him, and He invites us to serve Him.

If we are "saved" then we are called.

2. Misinterpret Biblical "Ministry"

"we have this ministry..." v. 1

the word ministry and serve come from the same greek word. Ministry is not for the pastor and others we hire to do it. Ministry is what we all as God's children are called to do-- we are to serve Him by serving others.

I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, ... that they have addicted themselves to the ministry (service) of the saints..." 1 Cor. 16:15

"Now about spiritual gifts...All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines." 1 Cor 12:11

" As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. " 1 Peter 4:10

We have been given a gift to invest in service for Him.

Much of our spiritual growth comes as we


Deploy ... our gift for God's service

3. Mistake Inevetible Opposition

"the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving... " v. 4

Many are on the "sidelines", watching rather than serving because they have experienced some pain or disappointment in past attempts at service. Look at what Paul, the greatest missionary ever, experienced in his life of service:

"we are afflicted... perplexed...stuck down...constantly being delivered over to death..." v. 8-11
Our service won't be without pain. Others will disappoint us, let us down; they won't always be nice to us, even other Christians can be rude or disrepectful and ugly.

Satan, the god of this world knows if he can get us discouraged, he has won. He will stop us from reaching and touching those we are called to reach and touch. So he is ever active, trying to get at us to hurt or discourage us or cause us to lose heart.

4. Misplace Personal Trust

Sometimes, even our successes can be our downfall in the ministry. As we serve the Lord, we must ever be on guard for pride-- look what I've done, look at all I've accomplished.... At times it's not the failures and disappointments that get us, it is the successes. So Paul share's his secret against this temptation-- ever realizing he's not the one, but God doing it through him:

"for we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord..." v. 5
"but we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God, and not from ourselves..." v. 7

that's how we can serve the Lord fruitfully, without losing heart.

What about you? In this thing called service, remember, He's talking to you.

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