Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Heaven’s Help for the Home Part 1

Four secrets for a successful marriage

The family is the single most vital relationship to the world. Without the family and the home there is no world. That is the basic structure of any city, of any government of the world. If you don’t have homes you don’t have a world. That is why the enemy is so strongly fighting against the home --he knows if he wants ruin and destroy the world that God created all he has to do is destroy the home. As the home goes, so goes the world. As the home goes so goes the church. It is therefore vital that our homes be successfully built upon the priniciples of God's Word.

There is a declaration that is repeated several times throughout the Bible that gives the secret of God's thought on marriage, and the secret to a successful marriage. It is found once in Genesis at the establishment of the marriage of Adam and Eve, and then once in the gospels and once Paul repeats it in the book of Ephesians.

Here is what it says: "And Jesus answered and said, 'Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female and said for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and two shall become one flesh. Consequently they are no longer two but one flesh. Wherefore, what God has joined together let no man separate.' ” Matthew 19:4

Our home will be a success when I

1. Value the Institution of Marriage

Jesus said in the first part of verse 4 - Jesus said for this cause - What cause? – For marriage, so this is the first secret that you learn to value - the institution of marriage. Those that have successful marriages have looked at this and said marriage is vital even though it is under attack, it is God’s plan for the world and so what we find is this - when you look at marriage, the biblical teaching of marriage is God gives a man to a women or a woman to a man and in that commitment before God there then enters a third person that becomes a part of that home and that person is God. He begins to energize and bless and protect and begins work in that home and it brings heaven on earth when we invite that third person to come in. For this cause marriage is a good cause – it is a godly thing - it is God’s idea.

When you go back to the very beginning of the bible in Genesis 3 you find that God thought it up, it was not man who decided it. God brought Eve to Adam and give them to be husband and wife. It was God’s idea and as long as we understand, because the home and marriage is under such incredible attack, there are many who are thinking, “I just don’t know if it is worth it or not.” It is a sad day when those who grow up single and want to stay single say, “I have seen marriages and I don’t want any part of that.”

Everything that God always does there is always going to be distortion and perversion to it. But don’t let that discourage you. Just because people live together, decide that they are going to have babies before they get married, just because there is this matter of gay marriages and there is always going to be distortions and perversions to God and what He desires. But that does not change the fact that God has established the home to be a man and woman under him and when that happens, indeed there is heaven on earth. God’s standard does not change and when we follow His principals when we make a choice that we are going to value what God values and God has instituted marriage for a purpose beyond just meeting our greatest need. He has instituted marriage for His glory to represent to the world how He loves His people. Husbands love your wives – Paul said, as Christ loved the church. If the world wants to know how God loved the church by sending His son Jesus Christ, they ought to be able to look at men and our love for our wives. So God has an incredible value - He has an investment in our homes and so He energizes our desire to seek Him and be a husband and wife that honors Him. He has established the home and it can honor Him. Don’t despair when you look around and see and you hear the statistics of what is going on. It still works – God’s plan for the home still works.

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